
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Death penalty

This is a very complex topic, because you are talking about someone’s life. The problem is that this sentence has taken innocent’s life and always will, so it is not easy to be agree with that. If you ask me I’m ok with death penalty and I think this is the only way to stop a person who is really bad and will never change.

The main problem in our society is that criminals are not taking seriously their penalties, because they are extremely soft, so if you kill a man I feel like you will only be at prison for a short amount of time.

There is a group of persons who commit unbelievable brutal crimes, so you question yourself whether is a real person or not. Crimes like rapes, murders (especially when child and pregnant women are the victims) should not be forgiven or forgotten.

In our country that penalty was removed from our constitution in 2001 and nowadays the worst legal punishment is life sentence (“cadena perpetua calificada” is the exact chilean term) and I don’t think that it is appropriated for those criminals, because it is almost never given on courts and you usually watch in the news those same men doing the same crime, and when you ask why they set him free before his original sentence was complicated you find out that he had a remarkable behavior in prison or something like that, which is unacceptable. Another reason for me to say that is because they seem to me like they were enjoying what they’re doing. That way I think death penalty is the only answer on those cases.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very complex topic, because you are talking about someone’s life. The problem is that this sentence has taken innocent’s life and always will, so it is not easy to be agree with that. If you ask me I’m ok with death penalty and I think this is the only way to stop a person who is really bad and will never change.

    The main problem in our society is that criminals are not taking seriously their penalties, because they are extremely soft, so if you kill a man I feel like you will only be at prison for a short amount of time.

    There is a group of persons who commit unbelievable brutal crimes, so you question yourself whether is a real person or not. Crimes like rapes, murders (especially when child and pregnant women are the victims) should not be forgiven or forgotten.

    In our country that penalty was removed from our constitution in 2001 and nowadays the worst legal punishment is life sentence (“cadena perpetua calificada” ? is the exact chilean term) and I don’t think that it is appropriated for those criminals, because it is almost never given on courts and you usually watch in the news those same men doing the same crime, and when you ask why they set him free before his original sentence was complicated you find out that he had a remarkable behavior in prison or something like that, which is unacceptable. Another reason for me to say that is because they seem to me like they were enjoying what they’re doing. That way I think death penalty is the only answer on those cases.

    why would it be the only solution?
    I agree with you in the case some criminals dont take their punishment seriously since it not strong enough.
