
Friday, July 16, 2010


A few weeks ago I wrote in my blog something about last year, how difficult it was, and how I got through that horrible term. I think you always have to live and face the great things and bad things in your life, otherwise it is not real, because you need to learn lessons of every experience, and it is told that the best ones are form bad times . However there are some times that you ask yourself if it is possible that such number of unfortunate events can take place in just one term...well, that was what happened to me last year.

The sixth and seventh term of Veterinary Medicine in this university is known for being one of the most difficult, because it is the first one with subjects that are directly related with the profession. Since I knew what was expecting me I was focused on studying the best way I could so I didn’t have to worry about failing, but unfortunately there were lots of problem in my family and that way I was not in my 100% academically, because my mind was the entire time thinking in my home.

The feeling of almost failing three subjects in just one term (the second of 2009) is something you can’t wish to anybody, even your enemies, but that was my situation. I have never failed any subject before and last year I had to give the 2nd chance exams in three of my six subjects. I consider myself as a fighter and I never give up for anything so that time was not the exception. I knew that dedicating all my time to study and having that as my reason to live was the only way to pass those subjects, but I couldn’t pass all of them. The worst part was that after a few days, I found out that the teacher eliminated some questions from the final exam, questions I had answered in a good way, and I got less point because of that (points that definitely would have been enough to pass).

After all that mess I took the subject I failed in last summer, I approved it with very good marks and this year I didn’t have any troubles academically or with my family, so I guess after the storm you can always expect the calm and that is just what happened. I only wish it lasts and that I will never have to live a term like that.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My career

Veterinary Medicine is a very old career and has been evolving along with the way people thinks about animals and the new technologies in treatments and diagnosis, but from my perspective is the most difficult health career to practice, because of many factors.

One of them is the way people see animals, they think of them as mere objects and mostly their reason to live is to amuse its owners, so a person would not accept an animal which causes him a considerable outcome of money, even if that decides the life of it. I realize this thought is decreasing as years pass, but still most of the people does conceive animals as I wrote before, and until we don’t change that, we will always be limited in what we can do for these creatures. In my opinion animal are better than men, they show you extreme loyalty, never act with bad intentions and always appreciate if you do something for them…well, that’s why I chose this medicine.

In addition, I think our career is not very respected, people see us as animal trainers or something, but anything like a real doctor, so they doubt about our skills, knowledge, etc. But you know what, at some point they are right, because we don’t get the education and practice we need, I’ve learned that in five years it is impossible for anyone to be prepared to treat, operate and deal with the challenges that a doctor must face. However, increasing the length of this career would be an error if you think how bad we get paid and haw low is the respect, that way people would decide not to study a career which would take as many years as human medicine and that gives you so little opportunities. Those adjustments should be done only when Chile starts to think as a first world country, otherwise it would not be worthy.

This is a tough profession and one of the most beautiful one, only the courage and really talented people can take all this and succeed after all, I only hope I turn out to become one of those people.

Monday, June 14, 2010

iPads for animals?

When Steve jobs launched the iPad, the new incredible and innovating Apple’s release he might not have been thinking about the dolphin market. Even though the iPad was made for human, the people from the Dolphin Discovey sweim facility in Aventuras, Mexico, think it can be used for interspecies research.

The scientits use waterprofeed ipad to help them comunicate with Merlin, a bottlenose dolphin, to improve the way dolphins express themselves to humans. Merlin is quite curious, like every other dolphin.

Jack Kassewitz, a scientist says he’s been able to communicate with Merlin with the ipad. He thinks that when the dolphins get the hang of the touchscreen they would be able to choose from assortment of symbols to reprsent objetc, actions and emotion.

This discovery is one of many others, like communication using touch and body postur.

Finally, Kassewitz has some suggestions for the people in charge of the iPad production: “Waterproofing, processor speed, touch-sensitivity, anti-glare screens and dolphin-friendly programs are essential... we need fast technology to help us working with the dolphins”.

This kind of research is performed to undercover how these peculiar animals communicate to each other, a process that has remained as a true mystery for humans.

Original article:

iPads for animals? It's not as far fetched as you think…

by Alok Jha

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My faculty

“Universidad de Chile” is probably the best Chilean University, but it has always been known for being very messy, and the Veterinary faculty is not the exception. I think we have a great faculty if we realize the way we are taught, but this doesn’t correlate with other aspects like infrastructure, implements, academic load, and academic organization.

It is unconceivable feeling lonely when you have problems with schedule or doctor’s excuse, the authorities just give you more stuff to worry about (this sort of strict model is awful).

Another fissure in this faculty is the load, we have 7 subjects per term, and that equals to the subjects in one year in other countries like Argentina. It is like you have to live for this career, which is not healthy at any point.

The authorities need to see that there is no intention from us to cheat them or something, we only want their help. If they change their mind our lives will be much easier, that is the first step. Then we have the load issue... I'm not asking to study more years but perhaps a specialization model should be established. I know everyone loves this big field of opportunities we have, and I get the feeling that doing this, veterinarians as individuals will lose job opportunities. However it is the better way to solve it.

In my opinion those broken pieces are the priority to make more confortable studying there, and after correcting them I would start with investing money. I can tell how difficult is for an state University to get more money, especially in such as expensive area, but we need to have better supplies, because other Universities are much more advanced in that topic, so implements and the number of chances we get to use them will be the key to stay at the top.

After analyzing our situation we need to realize that even when “Universidad de Chile” gives the best education, does not mean it is perfect, and there are always things to improve, but the fact to accept it and try to fix things is what makes a great University.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My favorite animal

This decision is not as difficult as the other assignments, because I’ve known the answer for many years. Everyone has a favorite animal that perfectly fits with one’s personal characteristics and personality, in my case is the dog. I never had a dog in my childhood, but I always liked them.

Three years ago my big brother began rising “pugs” to sell them and he gave one little girl to my mom. The first impression I had was like: “it is not a dog; it don’t even looks like one”. We called it Almendra, and she was very messy. We couldn’t leave anything important at her sight otherwise it disappeared so I hated her.

As she was growing up, she became very close to us, she never wanted to be apart, so Almendra started to do things like jumping into the bed to just lay down next to us, staying close to our clothes when we were out of the house, and being extremely happy when we arrived. Those actions showed me the animal I wanted ever since I knew dogs existed because I am very close to the people I love too. That way this hated dog became the center of our attention.

I don’t know if I want to work helping them specifically, in fact I’d be happy helping any kind of animals, I love them all, that’s why I’m studying to be a vet. The one thing I don’t like is working in a food industry where animals are the food, it would be very difficult for me treat them as object or machines that have to give me something at any cost.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Places to go

I’m form Rancagua and I like looking for exiting places to visit here in Santiago so this is an interesting assignment. The first thing that took my attention when I got here 3 years ago, because you can’t find it in my hometown, was the number of old buildings. You can walk through Santiago’s main streets and you’ll realize how beautiful this city can be, and I’m not just talking about the historic constructions but the architecture found in the houses built early in the past century. Another point of interest is the “MIM”, which is supposed to be only for children but I have a great time when I go, it’s just you never stop learning and you can see things differently. The first time I went there was in high school and since then I’ve always liked it.

The next place is a little difficult to reach because is in “Cerro San Cristobal” and is the “Japanese garden o jardín japonés”. This place is very unique in the city and I think I’m not lying if I say in the whole country as well; it is a look of this ancient and intriguing culture and you can learn a lot if you stop to appreciate it.

You can’t visit Santiago without living an experience that is characteristic of our culture, which is the passion we have in a football stadium. I don’t know anyone who haven’t had fun going, even if you don’t like this sport. In fact, I have an exchange friend from United States here and she hates sports, but me and my other friends told her she will never regret going, so we did…and now she is asking me when is the next match.

The last place I would recommend is not really a place, it is a special day when all the public buildings are open to people for free, even the ones you cannot visit on a regular day , is “El Día del Patrimonio Cultural”. This is a very special opportunity, because you are able to watch the very best places that Santiago has to offer, like “Club de la Unión”, “Casa de Moneda”, “Palacio Cousiño”, and much more. I definitely recommend it to anyone who has the possibility to spend time in Santiago.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Death penalty

This is a very complex topic, because you are talking about someone’s life. The problem is that this sentence has taken innocent’s life and always will, so it is not easy to be agree with that. If you ask me I’m ok with death penalty and I think this is the only way to stop a person who is really bad and will never change.

The main problem in our society is that criminals are not taking seriously their penalties, because they are extremely soft, so if you kill a man I feel like you will only be at prison for a short amount of time.

There is a group of persons who commit unbelievable brutal crimes, so you question yourself whether is a real person or not. Crimes like rapes, murders (especially when child and pregnant women are the victims) should not be forgiven or forgotten.

In our country that penalty was removed from our constitution in 2001 and nowadays the worst legal punishment is life sentence (“cadena perpetua calificada” is the exact chilean term) and I don’t think that it is appropriated for those criminals, because it is almost never given on courts and you usually watch in the news those same men doing the same crime, and when you ask why they set him free before his original sentence was complicated you find out that he had a remarkable behavior in prison or something like that, which is unacceptable. Another reason for me to say that is because they seem to me like they were enjoying what they’re doing. That way I think death penalty is the only answer on those cases.