
Monday, April 26, 2010


2009 was a very particular year in my life. I experienced new situations and had pretty ugly fights with my family.

That year started very well, I had my girlfriend living in Santiago, I rested a lot on my vacations and was ready for the New Year’s challenges.

Before I go further I have to explain that I lived with my ten year older sister at that time, we were very close and best friend, but somehow she started to treat me very bad and tried to make me seem the bad guy in front of my family. Until 2007 she lived in an apartment bought by my parents for us so we could study in Santiago but I guess she just didn’t want anyone to live with her in what she called it “her apartment”. I think that is why we fought that much and this situation collapsed in 2009 mainly because I never said anything to her before.

After clearing that up I can go on…It was a great year until the second term when all my problems began to affecting me, that way I was never focused on my study, but I really made my best and studied a lot.

I always tried to study a lot but this third year was very difficult and I thought that I didn’t get the grades I deserved so I had to put more effort to it…and there was a point where I couldn’t deal with my problems and my exams at the same time so at the end I ended up failing one subject. I felt very awful but I think it was just meant to be because of the way it happened and I’m happy because I never gave up.

I only hope this year to become a better one



I’m from Rancagua and the first year that transantiago started (2007) was my first year living in the capital. I was very scared because I watched the news with all that people almost hanging of the bus doors. Another thing to worry was that I barely traveled in bus before 2007 (in Rancagua is more common to use “colectivos”, some sort of taxis but with a defined rout).

In spite of all, my experience was not so terrifying because I could get to College very easily. The only problem was that I didn’t (and still don’t) know Santiago so I had to take the same road, otherwise I got lost :s.

But there is something that I still can’t understand which is the rudeness of the people, like when they hit you for accident they never say sorry and that pisses me off every day it happens to me. Also the way you feel on street is wired because even when you are not hurried or late for something you feel the need of always going fast J.

Transantiago is for me a very good initiative but I think the government implemented it in a too short amount of time and that was the reason for the chaos we have now. The funny thing is that within a year of this new “system”, there was an improvement at least in the way I get to the faculty and this year that improvement fell down because now there are new bus stops but unfortunately a few number of buses actually stop :D. that way all the people that’s going to the campus do it in only one or two buses…that’s mad!!…and the time you needed to arrive at the faculty has duplicated since so it’s very bad.

One thing that can be fixed is the number of buses that stop at college because most people using the public transport are students and I always see lots of “203” buses passing in a row but no one really takes them at that hour. I think there is a need of having a better distribution of the buses according to the time they are most used for people.

I just hope that in the future transantiago can be more balanced and the authorities notice where the problems are and we finally have the system we deserve.


Hey everyone!

This is my Brand new blog. It has mainly two purposes: do my English homework and write about everything that’s going on in my life o Chile that matters to me. I´ll try to mix them both, ´cause I can´t stop doing my homework, but I still want to be writing about things that are important to me.

Well, I hope you´ll have a great time reading me, and please, feel welcome to write any comments you have, like suggestions or critics.
